Home blogInterview with Bendigo’s local Laundry Lady Katie

Interview with Bendigo’s local Laundry Lady Katie

Mobile Laundry Service Bendigo

Meet Katie, local Laundry Lady in Bendigo! Budget friendly mobile laundry services: commercial and home laundromat, washing and ironing!

Katie is based in the beautiful city of Bendigo made famous for the discovery of gold.

Well, we think Katie is gold because she is the only Laundry Lady in Bendigo and that makes her a busy lady! Katie joined Laundry Lady in June during COVID-19 after wanting a change from Melbourne and to be closer to family. 

Work when it suits her

The thing Katie loves about being a Laundry Lady is that she can work when it suits her. Family comes first and she is able to not only be close to her mum and sisters, but be around for her kids as well.

Katie has been home schooling her kids during lockdown and having a flexible job has taken the pressure off worrying about when she can work. She is able to adjust her workload to match her lifestyle. When she needs to support her mum, she simply takes on a little less work for a while and when the kids are back at school, Katie is able to take on more. She usually tries to align her pickups with school time or schoolwork.

How does the money help? 

Bendigo is a beautiful heritage city located not too far outside Melbourne and is a breath of fresh air for many wanting to escape the city life. It has a temperate climate and an abundance of culture and things to do, which is great for families. 

After arriving in Bendigo Katie and her family built a new house to call home. Homes take work and Katie is currently adding a deck, and the additional income from being a Laundry Lady is helping with this.

How did she become a Laundry Lady?

Another Laundry Lady friend recommended the work to Katie so she gave it a go and found it was perfect for her.

Local Laundromat Service in Bendigo

If you are interested in running your own business, why not become a Laundry Lady today?

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